Tuesday, March 31, 2009

jdentified, pt 2

-what are the reasons to stay/not want to stay in sheares hall?

There's absolutely no space at home. I totally won't be able to fit all the junk I store in my room back home. In any case, having my own room in hall is like an absolute luxury. I particularly like keeping to my own time schedule, skipping classes as I feel like and etc. Waking up 15minutes before classes, DoTAing at 2am at home, all these won't be possible because of parental nagging. Also the 3am runs around campus where you see the most interesting things... o.O (PDA, PDL, PDF... hee) There's the still-not-bad-after-2-years supper, there's Ginza just a few stops away for food/bubble tea/waffles <3! Home is just too far away from anything.

Hall is, in a sense, freedom.

Even though this freedom, is sort like that.

And there's also the scandals and gossip. Life is so much more interesting with them around. I'm a self-confessed, unrepentant gossip accumulator!

Regrettably, eyecandies are -few- and far between. There are a few though (thankfully). ^_^

That's why, I guess, despite all the stupid stuff, bullshit, politics, etc etc. I'm still here. Besides, I'm happier these days, which makes it easier to live through shit.

-since u needed a subject matter, how about the struggles of a fat kid in secondary 4?

Actually I was working on an idea I had about a 5 year old girl with a semi-dysfunctional family (Dad works late, Sis clubber, skips school, No mother figure). The kicker? She thinks she's a vampire. It's supposed to be a really innocent growing-up type film, except she tries to bite people. =D

Like, this, but with humans. <3<3<3

-what can u do to make your hall experience better?

Um, do you mean what can I do? Or what can Fate, in her generosity, throw in my direction? Hee.

I think I'm already trying my best to make my hall experience better. Ignore the politics, get the shitstorms out of the way, be happy and generally make people happier. Welfare! I suppose I could open up to more people and talk more cock, play more mahjong, be generally more friendly and less cloistered and less anti-social and etc., everything would be better.

And Fate, if you would be kind enough to grant to me time spent in the company, not necessarily alone, I don't ask too much, of certain people, I'd be very happy. =)

-too many hall questions :)

I agree. =( Originality, people!

-what keeps you from trying? with anybody?

Really, it's mostly a matter of opportunity, or lack thereof. Partially, it's also because I really have no idea what to do. =(

There's also what I choose to call Jaden's Familiarity Paradox.

I'm a firm believer of the school of thought that close friends should never get together, owing to the fact that you never really know where to draw the line between being best friends and being together. When you do this for me, are you doing it because you're my best friend, or are you doing it because we're together? Would you have done it anyway if we weren't together?

BUT, I'm also a believer (and actually, also from experience) that the only good, amicable breakups come from when you were good friends before you got together, because after it's over you have something else to fall back upon. People say all the time that you can't be just good friends with your ex-es, but I don't believe in that.

So, quandary.

Basically, I'm screwed either way.

-Since this is about jdentification, tell me about urself... what do yo think is the jaden identity that makes you different from other people =) What kind of a person do u want to be?

What is my Jaden identity? Heh, this is an interesting question. Well, I like to be complementary. If there's a strong leader, I am willing to be led. If there needs to be someone to take a direction for the group, I will try to subtly lead the discussion towards one. Whatever the case, I prefer to be flexible, doing what no one else is doing at the moment and what is necessary. If another person shows up and is better then what I am doing, I prefer to fade away and do something else that is needed. And if I'm not needed, I will disappear. =)

-Whats ur darkest secrets

Hmm, darkest secrets? Really, you need to be more specific then that... But here's one, not sure if it really qualifies as secrets or darkest, ok? I made a girl cry once with cruel words. Always regretted it. =X Well, somewhat.

-Why am I so attracted to you, especially your legs.

Because I have awesome legs.
Well, I used to. Fat now. =(

But don't worry, to all my fans (you know you love me xoxo), I'll slim down and have awesome toned legs again!

-what will make you really happy on a long-term basis?

Hmm, good food, good times, good memories.


I'm male, thanks for asking =).
Stay tuned for the next exciting segment, folks! jdentification will be back in about a month to answer your burning questions again! =D Until then, no more questions, I blog in peace! =)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

jdentification, pt2

Well, it's been about a month. Time for a 2nd instalment.

Ask me any question about me. It could be trivial, it could be serious. It could be a question directly related to me, it could be a reflection upon a particular event. It could be who/what/when/where/why/how, or whatnot.

Leave a comment and I will answer in the next post.
Questions that have already been answered are located over here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

nobody but chuu (is amazing)

Extended madness ensues.
Global phenomenon detected.
Holy Shit Level 9000.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

the unbearable lightness of being alone

On Sunday morning, I went out for supper with four people, partly to celebrate the end of my hall production, partly because we were hungry, partly because it was one of them's birthday.

Incidentally, these four people all happened to be attached. To each other.

Of course, I totally didn't realise everyone else would pangseh the supper and leave me alone with them...

Me, moments before realising everyone else pangsehed.

Needless to say, I felt like a miniature sun - SHINING with the light of a thousand lightbulbs. Of course, I tried to tactfully leave, but they wouldn't hear of it. Fwah.

With ninja quick reflexes, I managed diverted the topics away from relationships because I knew it would invariably end up with them proposing numerous "sisters" or friends of theirs for my consideration. Well. Thank (nominal religious icon/figure) for that.

And is it the season to become parietally attached to another person-figure these days? Couples are popping up like gerbera daisies in spring.

Somehow, I don't buy it, and it's not just the cynic in me speaking here.

I think attraction is just a deadly little game played out by two people.

Somehow, for me at least, it's very easy to not think about someone I am attracted to. And it only gets easier after a while, dying out with a sputter. That means that I wasn't really that interested to begin with, right?

And if I were to go ahead anyway, to try to pursue that attraction without knowing if it was real, I might end up putting other people and myself at risk of a backlash, assuming that it was just a beautiful illusion after all.

So, this deadly little game.

I don't think I should play. I don't believe I am mature enough to play this game.

Although, you know. You make me feel like I should try.

But, I guess I won't.

I think I'm going to lose anyway.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

cooperate with yourself

In Cursor*10 2nd Session, the objective is rather simple. All you have to do is to reach the top of the tower in time, and what's more, you have 10 lives to do that. Sounds rather simple, is it? Well, there are some puzzles in the tower that absolutely require more then one person (or cursor, rather) to solve, but you're all by yourself... But wait! Each time you die (or run out of time), you'll see your past incarnation play out in real-time together with your next life...

The trick, then, is to plan your steps well, timing yourself so that you can get past the timed puzzles in time, while scooping up the bonus points along the way.

So, just how good are you at helping yourself?

If you liked Cursor*10 2nd Session, you should also try out the original Cursor*10. It's also *coughcough* easier *cough* if you need some practice before tackling the slightly harder 2nd Session. =)

in the name of science

This somewhat disturbs the shit out of me but it's so intriguing as to actually keep me watching... And yes, at 1:24 BOTH heads are drinking from a bowl of water.

Well, in the name of progress.

If progress had two heads and barked.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

da mother, yo

I mean, yea, we've all seen impressive mashups, some of which stick in our head the way How Six Songs Collide does, but they're usually based off an established song, or set of chords, or beats.

But, but but-!

This, now this took vision, planning, and general bad-assery to pull off. Kudos to Kutiman for the brilliance of the concept... Who knew purely instructional videos pulled off youtube could be combined in such a manner?

Da Mother of All Funk Chords, indeed, yo.

bad days, fuck them

Some days, your life pretty much seems fucked up. But, seriously, we've all had them.

A generally positive attitude towards life.

You aren't special, really. Want proof?

F***mylife.com contains capsule-shots of there-there-fuck-you-look-at-my-life to help all of us big whiny crybabies feel better about our lives. Although I'm guessing a fair bit of it is actually fiction, enough of it remains as a gentle harsh reminder that really, fuck, some people have it worse.

Today, I received my passport in the mail. They got my birthdate wrong. Then I picked up my birth certificate that I had sent in with the application. Turns out my parents have been celebrating my birthday on the wrong day for 16 years. FML

Like, wow. My heart goes out to you, anonymous birthday person.

It gets somewhat addictive, really, when you're reading about how badly screwed over some people get. I guess it's true what they say, eh? Humans are the only species to take sadistic pleasure in another human's suffering.

That's what makes us sentient.

Monday, March 16, 2009


They fade into the background, oblivious to our visions and thoughts. They're the world, the popular ones, the satisfied ones, the beer drinkers, tv-watchers, the happy, complacent, all-singing-all-dancing parts of the world we have no business with.

They surface in our memories on the fringes of recall. Blurry images, shifting faces, suffice enough to know that they've been part of your life, once. It never seems to matter if you can't remember exactly.

They're the ones that we think everything happens to. Death on the road, parking tickets, fines, date-rape, armed robbery, to equal parts true love, winning lottery tickets, bank errors, scoring at clubs. We drink in envious thoughts when we think about the things that they go through, but conveniently ignore the other side.

They are what we are.

Just other people. Faces in a crowd.
That's all we are.

That's all they are.

Our capsule lives; different and the same.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

the world


Without a single word being spoken. And yet it conveys so much through the music, the visuals, the effects.

This is the kind of short film I want to shoot. Maybe not so much on the cg-effects, (which were fantastic). But I'd like to be able to tell a story in such a manner...


Thursday, March 12, 2009


I think it says alot of my state of mind that at 4am in the morning, I can be horrendously tired and have every molecule in my body crying out for sleep, yet, it only takes a few minutes of being distracted by a movie for me to end up watching the whole thing.

In my defense, that movie was Fight Club.

The prosecution, however, would like to point out that I've already watched that movie. No less than 4 times.

In my defense, it is still a brilliant movie.

The prosecution sighs and agrees, grudgingly.

So it is with my state of mind, usually. I'm annoyingly easy to become distracted. Sheesh, I like sleep just as much as anyone else, but it doesn't take much to distract me.

I would say that I have no sense of self-control or discipline.

Or rather, I have so much, usually, that after a while, even minor little things cause me to trip and completely lose myself. It's like an escape. Or a letting go.

It's like what they say in the show, the ability to let that which does not matter... slide.

Of course, these things that don't matter invariably become my work, my sleep, my responsibilities, etc etc.

I think I need to find more healthy ways of releasing my tension. Or I'm probably going to find myself with an (un)healthy, (un)happy imaginary friend soon enough.

Maybe even cause the end of the civilised world.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

music catch 2

Hi people, Music Catch 2 has just been released! For those new to the game which have never played the original, all you need to know is to catch the shapes with your mouse.

Blue & green shapes are the normal shapes to catch, yellow shapes are good (they make your cursor grow), red shapes are bad (they halve your cursor size), and purple shapes give you PURPLE POWAA! New to this edition is the rainbow shape, which changes EVERY onscreen shape into a yellow shape.

Other features (unlocks!) include 3 new songs, the ability to change how the shapes appear on the screen, the type of shapes you'll be catching, and interestingly, the ability to use any MP3 file uploaded online as the background music.

Give it a try if you have some time to burn. =)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

oh the pain, the pain

I'm so darn tired it's not even funny. Trying to rush a 2,500 word essay in the space of one night is sheer madness, even when you have the research done, journal articles downloaded and books borrowed. I'm down to 500 words now and I've pretty much run out of things to say. I could try to fit a conclusion in now but I'm not sure the rest of my essay is going to cut it.

But really now, what kind of biology essay question is "How does the brain work?" How's anyone supposed to interpret that? Do you mean Cognitively? Biologically? Do you mean in infants, adults, animals, dinosaurs, plants? WHAT.

It's like asking a maths student for a 2,500 word essay titled "Define 0". It just can't be done. You might as well be asking me "How does the Large Hadron Collider work?" it might be simpler to explain.


Also, whoever said anything about doing all your research first, reading everything before deciding how to synthesize your content down onto your essay... well it's crap. It might work for 1,000 word essays, maybe, but the sheer volume of research you need for 2,500 word ones entails drafting, typing out bits of your essay as you do your research. Try it the first way and everything gets too mushed up in your head for you to throw out a proper framework.

Never again, ugh.

geeks vs jocks

Much has been said about this perennially favourite topic. What with the "jocks get all the girls and are popular" shindig being such a tired cliche that it becomes akin to flogging a dead horse so hard PETA would call shenanigans. Hell, in today's media-worshipping, internet-savvy, information-technology favouring society, even the "geeks take shit from jocks now, jocks get shit later when geeks get high-paying jobs, buy over their girlfriends with moolah and employ ex-jocks to wash their car" cliche is starting to wear razor-thin.

That's why it's refreshing to see a brand new take on this.

It had to come full cycle.

A one-shot illustrated no less by the veritable Winston Rowntree, author of Virus Comix. I've promoted his awesome Subnormality! webcomic before, do go see it when you have the time. =)

Monday, March 9, 2009


I've been a Lemon Demon supporter since like, their first album. Still too cheap to actually buy their albums though, so I just subsist on their free samples. Thankfully those are the only songs which I actually like anyway, including I've Got Some Falling To Do.

However, This wins on so many levels.

Just for having Optimus Prime, Batman, Shaq-Fu and Chuck Norris in the same song.

And it's just sooo catchy!

my so-called love for literature

I have a pretension for particular subjects which 95% of my other friends find off-putting. That's why I'm hopelessly struggling in Renaissance Literature now, which I stupidly picked as a replacement to my Film Studies class, which clashed.

How on earth I managed to get it into my head that a comprehensive study in the poofy, 14th-17th Centuries of Literature where the Epic was still the poem type of choice and people wore frills and talked like bad Shakespearean theatre would be a good replacement for a module where you sat around watching movies and commented on them... I have no idea. *cry

Of course, a side of me is secretly crying out in protest as I type the above, the long-buried, floozy part of me with that insatiably intrinsic appetite for wordplay and prosaic verse. The part which could derive joy out of looking at words and words and more words and how they blend together to form magical mysterious melodies in my head, and unicorns. The crazy side, that is.

Yet seriously, when it comes down to it, I'm really bad at reading. I haven't read real fiction in like, years. I didn't even finish Harry Potter (dropped it after the 4th book). I didn't pick up Twilight (I was too busy retching). Oh and Tolstoy's War and Peace and Orwell's 1984 and Bronte's Wuthering Heights and Mary-Shelley's Frankenstein and Flaubert's Madame Bovary and Nabakov's Lolita and Twain's Huckleberry Finn and Fitzgerald's Great Gatsby and Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Dickens' Great Expectations and Joyce's Ulysses and Melville's Moby Dick and too many others.

I'm such a phillistine.

Seemingly my entire literary repertoire consists of Discworld novels, Warhammer 40k fluff, Neil Gaiman short stories and graphic novels, and Douglas Adams (who is a literary god, incidentally). Hardly what one would call pompous stuff.

To this, I blame my 10 second attention span. Yes, it's got to be that, and not the fact that plenty of the classics are so long and drawn-out as to be insufferably boring.

(GASP, please don't stone me)

Still, I think I probably would read Austen someday. One of her books caught my eye recently. I don't know why, really, it might be the fact that that lady has NO FUCKING JAW:

Yes, it's Real. Check it out here. Awesome.

I need to be a better lit student. Blahs.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Seriously, forget Watchmen. The only film I wanna see this March is:

Brilliant, ainnit? All you who disagree, you do not recognise sheer brilliance when you see it. Take a gander at this trailer instead.

Shades of Shaun of The Dead! Those darn Brits with their awesome horror-comedy parody things...
Can't wait, yo.

boredom sets in

Having no life of my own to speak of, I virtually depend on living my life vicariously through the lives of others. Hence, as an inveterate blog-stalker, my thoughts turn to boredom as many (really, it's almost like it's seasonal) of my friends, acquaintances, and other sources of entertainment, read: people, have all of a sudden decided to either take a hiatus in blogging or worse, lock their blogs.

Oh, come on! What is this, have all of you decided to take a vow of silence, or whatnot?

Aw, fine fine. But there's only so much digg-ing, and Facebooking one can do before it gets draggy. I'm not really a big fan of Facebook, because it's a veritable meme-fest there. People doing notes about 25 random things about yourself (and everyone knows what you post on facebook is what you WANT people to know), iTunes playlist quizzes for the lulz, super-poking each other to upgrade your superpokes (it's really a infinite loop), Pet Society-ing (oh god, what a huge time-sink) and other time-wasting games. And I'm not a big fan of photos, which is truly what the other 98% of Facebook-stalkers are after.

Generally, I find Facebook less entertaining. Which is why I still prefer reading the blogs of my sources of entertainment (read: people), then to irritating them on Facebook.

Oh, sweet grief for the lack of reading material.

Above, applied to blogs.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

hallelujah chance

I think wedding dinners make me go into flights of fancy more so then anything else.

The lack of anything to do, coupled with the lack of people I know, the bland conversation topics, all these tend to lead me into introspective thoughts. About how it would look like at mine, or at a good friend's, or an ex-classmate, or even a hallmate's wedding.

I think about fate, and how she contrives to keep people together or tear them apart. How people who seemed to be happy together never did manage to reach this place together in the end, and how the lucky ones eventually do. I think about who would end up with who, if I would actually be invited to who's wedding with who, who would be the 'brothers' supporting the groom, who would be the 'sisters' sabotaging him for the bride.

And of course, my daydreams are filled with the cast of characters I can summon from within the people I know, be they from hall, from school, or even from memories.

But you know, funnily enough, I don't think I've ever thought about who could be my own bride, smiling radiantly back at me.

And it might be one of the few times in my life that I regret being unable to come up with an answer to this gaping hole in my daydreams. Because all cliche aside, isn't it also true that the day of your wedding would probably be the happiest day of your life? Now think, being unable to think about, no, to even be able to imagine, to put a face to the one who could possibly,be the one who would do that to, no, with me.

It always makes me feel a little sad.

Hmm, maybe I should give Proposal Daisuken a chance after all.

Friday, March 6, 2009

when the world ends

...where will you be?

Would you be part of the angry mob, looting, destroying, making off with the property of others?

Would you go mad, seeking fulfillment in the crazed notions that the coming apocalypse would also be your savior?

Would you be part of the religious, praying, ever fervently, for some divine might to come along, clap his hands, and make everything alright again?

Would you sit and spend the last few moments of your waking life with your family and loved ones, and try to forget this crazy world, and everything about it?

Or would you step up to bat?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

of secret dreams, pt 1

I guess I've never told anyone before, or rather, I might have to the few of you who know, but I've really actually always wanted to be a ROCK STAR!

I've always thought wanted to perform, you know. In front of a admiring crowd who loves me. To hear mad, rabid cheering. To get glomped by insane fangirls. To be able to like, tell myself, "Like, OMG, I'm awesome."

Too bad I had no talent for piano when I was young, couldn't read music theory as I got a little older, broke my sister's keyboard a while later, was kicked out of choir after my voice broke (I was a sop, come on! How long could that possibly last), was part of a (very) short-lived dance group in secondary school that later fell apart because I really had two left-feet (as evidenced from my failure at DDR and Parapara, PARAPARA for gods sake), did debates for a spiel and decided that showmanship wasn't really my style. I even snapped my sister's guitar when I tried picking that up. And nowadays, my vocal range at K-box is pathetically small, so I don't like to sing (particularly with people that are Godlike) except with a few of my closer K-box kakis. I CAN'T EVEN PLAY GUITAR HERO RIGHT.

Oh woe is me for being talentless.

But you know, I've always had a special place in my heart for the bass players in a band. It's so much more difficult to be awesome when you're pretty much the only instrument in the typical guitar/bass/drums/vocals setpiece that doesn't have that SCORCHING SOLO! That's why I always wanted to play bass for a rockin' band.

(My other dream is to be a dancer, but that's for the next post, yo.)

No time, no money, no talent, no - sigh, I hate life.

I have the highest respect for bassists, really.
Which brings me to the subject of Tissue-hime (directly translated as Tissue-princess), an awesome Japanese bassist who posts his bass covers on NicoNicoDouga, a Japanese videosharing site, but kindly crossposted from there to Youtube by kind youtubers.

Here are all the timestamps of his awesomeness, in this video.
2:08 Awesome!
2:45 Godlike sliding!
3:45-3:49 OMGWTFBBQ!!!

He's done plenty more songs on youtube, but quite alot of them are anime song covers, being Japanese. This is rather a departure from the floods of (mainly) English rock covers being done on youtube already, which is awesome enough (this one is one of my favourites, Sweet Child o' Mine), but really, you can't HELP but root for Tissue-hime when he covers songs like THIS.

Of course, I keep referring to him as a he, so I'm not about to declare OMG-I-LOVE-YOU-CAN-I-HAVE-YOUR-BABIES.
That's some killer legs, though.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

weird stuff from japan, part 2

Words cannot express how much win I feel towards this.

This was pretty much my _only_ reason for wanting to buy a DS... and now... it's become a musical? A holy-shit honest-to-goodness high-production-values video game adaptation musical of a hugely entertaining courtroom drama game with some of the most interesting characters ever? Which is being done by an all-female musical troupe that has "male" characters (Edgeworth! EDGEWORTH!) causing me to deeply question my sexuality?

(The following was excerpted from the MSN conversation)

Ril says (11:21 AM):
[bb] JD: i stopped changing my nick. says (11:22 AM):
Ril says (11:22 AM):
what the hell, japan
what the hell
[bb] JD: i stopped changing my nick. says (11:23 AM):
[bb] JD: i stopped changing my nick. says (11:27 AM):
LOVE 4:39
Ril says (11:30 AM):
isn't it cute
[bb] JD: i stopped changing my nick. says (11:31 AM):

(the rest of the conversation spirals off into of intense fangirlish-like screaming)

Ah, Japan. Today, I salute you.
Seriously, where else could this shit ever happen?


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

that incident

I think by now most of you would have heard about the NTU stabbing and suicide incident. For those that haven't, the channelnewsasia link is right over here and the Straits Times here. Plenty of other people have also posted their thoughts regarding the incident, as well as a particular blogger who had some additional insight here.

It was quite a wtf-moment for me when a friend of mine msned me to tell me about it. It's midterms time over here in NUS, I think it was crunch-time over there too. Since we'll never know what really went on in his mind when he stabbed the professor and after that, committed suicide, I'm not going to give a lengthly soliloquy about educational stress levels in Singapore, about how life is precious and we should never think about taking our lives so easily. I'm not going to put the blame on the economy, the government, our educational system, World of Warcraft, antisocial values in our varsity population, discrimination towards foreign students amongst the local students, pressures and conformity issues in living in a hostel. And I'm certainly not going to make a depressed and emomomo post about the wails and whines of an average student in an average life, and about how true bravery (ick) is never about taking out your grievances upon other people and by hurting yourself.

Instead, I will post a funny picture.

THIS is true bravery.

My condolences to David's family.
And may Professor Chan recover soon.

find the star

Alright, if you aren't too busy, here's another distraction for you... just a 5-minutes killer, Hoshi Saga. All you have to do is to look for a Star within all of the 36 stages (11 are locked until you clear a row or column of stages) in the game.

The graphics are quite simple, but it's really the interesting interactions that make the game engaging. Most of the puzzles are actually deceptively easy to solve, and it's the overall polished feel of the game that makes it really good to me. For a uniquely creative point-and-click game of discovery, look no further then Hoshi Saga.

Stage Clear!

And if you're looking for more then just a 5 minute distraction, there's always Hoshi Saga 2, and Hoshi Saga 3. Find the Star! =3

Monday, March 2, 2009


In my tradition of posting youtube videos of horrendous songs, I hereby present:

In my defense, the concept behind this video is sheer brilliance and it's executed extremely perfectly. The videography blend pretty seamlessly with the special effects so well, I wish I could do that effect... I know the starting part is already gratingly irritating, but really now, give it a chance and watch it past 0:19 please!

Too bad the song sucks. Although, hmmmm, after a while it sorta becomes kind of catchy. xD

Oh, and in other news:


I'm SO over chuu.

jdentified, pt 1

-as an extreme idealist, how do you stop yourself from being emo all the time. (as we all know this is a recent achievement)

Actually, I wouldn't consider myself to be an extreme idealist. I think I just keep things in a larger perspective. Rationality works wonders, for example. Life isn't perfect, but I have my family, a group of close(r) friends, hallmates I can talk to, eye candies in classes. I don't have a girlfriend, but I've rationalised that I don't think I need one. Everyone has problems in life, and in their sufferance I find myself having the clarity to see that I basically have nothing to complain about. Is that being an idealist? I would call it more of being a pragmatist - that being emo is a waste of effort. Finding things to be miserable about actually takes energy, and sustaining this misery is an active drain on time and energy that I do not feel I have the patience for.

Hence, the above.

-why has your taste in girls changed so much since sim?

By this line of implication, my taste in girls has changed, much? I don't really think it has (examples please!). Sure, the girls that are attractive have varied much since then, but that's because I manage to find alot of girls attractive, depending on situation (see previous post on eyecandies)!

Exempli gratia, I refer you to Exhibit A: Definitions of Hotness.

The Axis of Hotness. Bonus points if you can name all of them!
Jeremy has Tied with Anonymous with 2 Points! each!
1) Maki Goto - The original definition of straight-bangs hotness.
2) Maki Horikita - Short-haired, sassy, intense, hotness.
3) Erika Touda - Cute, to-die-for long eyebrow bangs-type hotness.
4) Miho Yoshioka - (insert=bias) SHEER BLINDING HOTNESS. (/bias)

But of course, I jest. Physical attractiveness is just a necessary subsection of attraction for males (just ask any Ladder Theorist. Of course there are other factors to attraction that are less physical attractiveness and more individual personal qualities, to which really a full post would be warranted to explain them all. But since this question is a question of why my taste has changed, and not how, that's another story for another day.

-why did we drift apart?

I guess there's no straight answer to this. It's quite easy to put the blame on hall, academics, the pursuit of material things and the paper chase that comes between people. Mostly, I'd think it has something to do with lack of meaningful contact, which is kind of sad. I really do miss having a "lao ma" in hall to emo about to, heh, but I think I'm less emo these days, so I'm getting better =D. I hope you are doing well. Meet up again soon... Jeremy, Yayan, Val over here miss you too. =)

Remember this? I hope you find your happy ending.

-i wonder why you set yourself up to answer difficult questions haha..

No question about this, I'm a masochist.

-can u like write me a script? haha

Sure, but I need subject matter! =P
Aaaaand, that's jdentification, pt 1. Stay tuned for the next instalment, folks! Until then, no more questions, let me blog in peace! =D