Much has been said about this perennially favourite topic. What with the "jocks get all the girls and are popular" shindig being such a tired cliche that it becomes akin to flogging a dead horse so hard PETA would call shenanigans. Hell, in today's media-worshipping, internet-savvy, information-technology favouring society, even the "geeks take shit from jocks now, jocks get shit later when geeks get high-paying jobs, buy over their girlfriends with moolah and employ ex-jocks to wash their car" cliche is starting to wear razor-thin.
That's why it's refreshing to see a brand new take on this.
It had to come full cycle.A one-shot illustrated no less by the veritable Winston Rowntree, author of Virus Comix. I've promoted his awesome
Subnormality! webcomic before, do go see it when you have the time. =)
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