Thursday, March 12, 2009


I think it says alot of my state of mind that at 4am in the morning, I can be horrendously tired and have every molecule in my body crying out for sleep, yet, it only takes a few minutes of being distracted by a movie for me to end up watching the whole thing.

In my defense, that movie was Fight Club.

The prosecution, however, would like to point out that I've already watched that movie. No less than 4 times.

In my defense, it is still a brilliant movie.

The prosecution sighs and agrees, grudgingly.

So it is with my state of mind, usually. I'm annoyingly easy to become distracted. Sheesh, I like sleep just as much as anyone else, but it doesn't take much to distract me.

I would say that I have no sense of self-control or discipline.

Or rather, I have so much, usually, that after a while, even minor little things cause me to trip and completely lose myself. It's like an escape. Or a letting go.

It's like what they say in the show, the ability to let that which does not matter... slide.

Of course, these things that don't matter invariably become my work, my sleep, my responsibilities, etc etc.

I think I need to find more healthy ways of releasing my tension. Or I'm probably going to find myself with an (un)healthy, (un)happy imaginary friend soon enough.

Maybe even cause the end of the civilised world.


  1. your blog is officially the most kickass blog is circulation. and i don't say this just because i love fight club.

    your cbox doesn't work, btw.

  2. that's not true! it works fine!
    also thank you for your support. click on my ads, i like money. =D
