Friday, October 16, 2009

of beauty in artificiality

So there's alot that's been said of artificial beauty. Who's to say that natural beauty wins over the artificial? Whenever I hear people extolling the virtues of "natural, wholesome" beauties over all those "artificially modified" ones, I feel like strangulating the lot of them.

Besides the fact that beauty is really in the eye of the beholder, I don't believe that anything is really -wrong- with artificial beauty.

Hmmm... I definitely see nothing wrong.

Alright, all superficiality aside, it's my opinion that plastic surgery should really be regarded on the same level as other beauty enhancing products, such as:

1) Make-up
2) Lazik
3) Fashionable clothing
4) Photoshop

Vanity, vanity. All of the above are just applicators for vanity. They assuage your needs, boost your confidence, so "you know, there's really nothing wrong with them, boomz."

So, if you're okay with make-up, okay with Lazik, okay with fashionable clothing, there's really no excuse for you to attack plastic surgery. It's just personal choice.

Make-up is temporary, yes. Plastic surgery is permanent. So think about it this way. If this was a traditional role-playing game, which would you pick? Would you save up experience points and money and get a permanent stat gain or burn the same resources on one-use boosts that apply only for a short time and afterwards revert back to normal?

Okay fine, this is really dependant on the situation, but most prudent gamers I know would pick the permanent option. And why not? It's not just gamers that would make the same choice. Permanence is such a seductive option. It's a one-time, single investment, and it affects you for the rest of your life.

And it stacks with makeup, dear (deity of your choice). So, what the heck? Seems like a winning, no-lose proposition to me.

Of course, there's the risks, just like the risks you'll get if your Lazik surgeon is bad, if your fashion consultant is lousy and ruins your social circle, if your makeup screws up your face and wrecks your skin. There's really no more inherent risk and really, risk is not what people are complaining.

And risk if something to be judged by the person taking it. If he or she accepts the risk, why're you criticising him/her for taking a risk? No, the critique is usually about artificial beauty being an inferior form of beauty.

So, what gives you the right to judge one form of beauty over another? Did someone die and make you Emperor of what's right and wrong? Does the Power of the Internet compel you to attack another human being's choice of what he or she wants to do for him/herself?

Therefore, to those who think this way, please, never use make-up ever again or wear nice fashionable clothes. Let your NATURAL BEAUTY SHIIINE without ever accentuating it with accessories again!

But of course, I don't deny that a certain amount of moderation should be practised in plastic surgery to prevent your nose from falling off. But this applies to everything, doesn't it?

Case in point: Too much "accentuating" there.


More beauty in this world is never a bad thing. So what if that's, you know, to the benefit of superficial observers like me? =)

I know. I'll move to Korea. BOOMZ!

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