There are only 2 days, 23hours, 12minutes and 2 seconds before I enter Jurong Camp for the two most interesting (not) weeks of my life. Clapclap, oh joy.
It's amazing how much work I have left to do/allocate/delegate before I get to go gallivanting off for a vacation which I most certainly do not want to go for, and I can only imagine how much stupid work I will have when I get back. Clapclap, oh joy.
Sigh, what am I doing with my life? (That was rhetorical.)
It's really quite amazing, for someone who uses Web2.0 and social-networking websites as much as I do, how much (or rather how little) of a social life I actually have. Between the end of the examinations and now I've only gone out once, and that was a failed trip to the Singapore Flyer with Shawn, CS and Mich, where pretty much everyone was late.
Well at least we had Tom's Palette and some pretty interesting conversation.
But that's about it. My Life is Average.
And today's average word of the day is: moo.
Between now and examination's end, I have been pretty unproductive, and I say, not unproductive enough, dammit. I had no idea being a 宅男 was this hard.
I guess it's my lack of a real attention span that keeps me from being glued to something for 18hours straight, not including meals and sleep. Fail.
There's barely 2 days of unproductivity left, and I still have to pack up my shit for army, settle hall stuff (deity-damn it) and blah. It's giving me an irritation just thinking about it.
But hokay, enough about my pedestrian lifestyle. Go back to your interesting lives, people. (swallows bitter pills)
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