Sunday, December 20, 2009

some post-reservist thoughts

In the army, you sort of learn that no matter what you do, there's always going to be people out there who have it easier than you, who are luckier than you, who seem to have everything planned out.

Of course, this isn't an exclusive happenstance. Everyone around you is already living a far more exciting life than you are. Poor you.

But put 30 people of around the same age group into the same room with virtually nothing to do except talk about their lives to pass the time, and suddenly everybody has a story.

Makes you feel kind of scared to grow up.

Because, what if you don't measure up?

Rethinking plans for honors. Going to wait for the 22nd to make a final decision. Lock it in.

If my life were a series of regrets (which it isn't), this might be the biggest one yet (which it hasn't).

Also, having just returned, I have a backlog of stuff to clear up. May not be very free of late. Tralala.

Also, recording for posterity here: I am officially 3 degrees of separation from SNSD's Tiffany. My platoon-mate's half-korean girlfriend is her childhood playmate from the USA. What a small world! On that note, this puts me at 4 degrees of separation from SNSD's Jessica.

Life is wonderful.

But other then that, it is stultifyingly boring.

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