Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This post was made for people like Jeremy, Shawn and CS (as well as everyone else of you out there) who utterly can't tell them apart.


EDIT: Oh, and reference MV (Gee)

Right, back to reading.

so anyway

I was thinking just the other day, that I have no motivation in life, that's probably why I'm such a emofuckhead.

So, my new motivation is to discover a purpose. To that end, I have decided to try to learn whatever comes to mind, with the tiny insignificant chance that whatever I end up learning might be actually, you know, useful and/or fittingly niche to an end.

Hence, suggestions?
1) Actually sit down and relearn Japanese.
2) Start learning Korean.
3) Start learning Thai.
4) Learn bass guitar. Academy of Rock sounds reaaaaally interesting.
5) Learn how to drive. Then quit hall. Oh right, that reminds me.

Also, once again, I no longer think I have any motivation of staying in hall. AGAIN. My mood-swings on this subject like a fucking rollercoaster on crack, only now it's been derailed at 250mph flying down the damned triple loop-the-loop again. Geez, this is almost becoming an annual occurrence. Now if there's actually room back at home I would think about moving home. Maybe buy a netbook to use in school. Traveling time is going to be a fair bitch though. Hmm, maybe apply PGP/RVR/Kuok.

I think I dislike it when people are judgemental, and having an overactive imagination certainly doesn't help. It's really cyclical, avoiding people because you don't want to be judged but realising that doing that doesn't STOP them from judging you based on your non-appearance and general phantomness.

And I believe I wear a "fuck off, I don't want to talk to you" face most of the time anyway. God I'm unfriendly.

Been reading Questionable Content on and off during this tryingly stressful period. Yes, it says it's supposed to center on "an average frustrated 20-something music nerd, his PC and Faye." But really now, the only reason I'm reading this is for Hannelore.

True, I would have expected a character with "rather severe case of obsessive-compulsive disorder, is an insomniac, and counts things for a living." to be funny, but she's freaking hilarious. Oh, and she apparently spends hours downloading pictures of kittens on google. And has a huge phobia of tapirs.

I blame xkcd for giving me the reference. Sigh!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

i resent!

the suggestion that I have a weakness for cute girls. =(

That is so not true at all. =|

Ladies & Gentlemen, this is cute.

And, -sigh-, this is pretty. ::melts into a puddle::

Guess which is my favourite?

RARGH. Sigh, I'm tired and cranky and need sleep and I'm so dead for tuesday's paper and there are so many cans to be collected and things to come up with for welfare and augh kill self la, kanasai.

Friday, April 24, 2009

random gif generator

Insert Cute + Cute + Cute + Awesome Bangs + SNSD + Wasting Break-Time Fiddling Around With Adobe Imageready = ...
...*drumrolls* da da dum!


So adorable! <3 So cute! <3 So kawaii!

That just broke the cuteness-meter. Aw.

Right, back to health psych. *groan*

Tales of Mere Existence

True tales of human drama... and the ending is so true in a way. Cute, and darkly funny.

Don't get addicted though! Although "Boyfriends I have been" is pretty funny too.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


"VHEMT (pronounced vehement) is a movement not an organization. It's a movement advanced by people who care about life on planet Earth. We're not just a bunch of misanthropes and anti-social, Malthusian misfits, taking morbid delight whenever disaster strikes humans. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Voluntary human extinction is the humanitarian alternative to human disasters.


When every human chooses to stop breeding, -"

That's hilarious.

I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.

this is a public service announcement.

I'm worried.

No, I'm not worried about the upcoming exams. I barely flicker when people talk about the state of the hall, the block. I'm not registering anything when I hear that our neighbours are getting such and such, so-and-so for their efforts at donating to NUSSU and 19 other beneficiaries. There isn't a sense of impending doom as my hard drive grinds to a halt for the final time, dooming all it's passengers on board to a oblivion for lost data files. Nope, I don't get shudders of trepidation, or fear and loathing in loneliness when I think about how I pass my days. I certainly don't dread a life condemned to future laboring for paychecks to pay mortgages and instalments, the 9-to-5 life of slaving away to OUR GREAT SOCIETY.

I'm worried because everything seems so small when you think about dying.

23 years ago, I was born here on this planet, and in barely a flicker of time, I will die. What's going to be on my gravestone when I die? I really don't think it's going to say "Completed 100 Facebook quizzes" or "Finished Bioshock On Hard Difficulty" or even "Crown3d". Life isn't a game, and no one's going to be checking your gamertag profile or even going to care about your massive manga collection or the fact that you can speak 32 languages including binary and python, when you're dead. 23 years ago, I didn't choose to be born. Now the only thing on my mind is how I'm supposed to choose how to live.

I'm worried because I haven't figured out what I'm here for.

It's kinda hard, you know. How many of you have ever seriously thought about how you're going to live? Be honest here. You in the back, put your hand down, your mission in life isn't to get money, fuck bitches and smoke trees. That's idealism right there, and we'll have none of that nonsense around here. Some of us have it easy, you know, consigning your lives to a higher power, so you can basically tell yourself "Fuck it, I really dunno what I'm supposed to be doing, so I guess I'll just view everything I do as having meaning through serving someone bigger. There are greater forces at work here." And when someone does that on TV, we call it "railroading" through lack of imagination in scriptwriting, and wish they'd fire the writers (Here's looking at you and your "everything can be explained with time-travel", Lost).

And I think I think I think too much. That's me saying "I think too much", and the other guy's me thinking that the first guy (me) thinks too much, and I spend too much time thinking about these two guys (both me) thinking too much.

Loop to infinity, segfault, PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA.

Yeah, my brain probably runs XP. Hey, it beats Vista.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


is what my mind wants to say.

It's hot and stuffy and I'm tired and brain-dead and moody and depressed and way behind on revision.
I want to zzz...

Updates will be irregular until the exams end. Sorry.

For some reason, life is beginning to feel quite empty again.
Not sure if it's the stress getting to me.
But then I never know these things. Argh.

To think I'm a psych student.
I don't know my own mind.

Friday, April 17, 2009


For some strange strange reason, I find this dance oddly compelling. The girl on the right (Nocchi), particularly, is horrendously, horrendously cute.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


While the author is trying to meaningfully finish up his essay, let us indulge in a placeholder that encompasses everything that is meaningful and wonderful in the author's world.

Pocky + Hot Girl + Magical Transformations = Win.

OMGSOCUTE + Dancing Kittehs = Win.

100% Chocolate Cake + 100% Chocolate Cake = Win.

Sedentary Lifestyle + Heart Disease = Win.

Two Best Things In The World = Coffee + Art = Win.

Suicidal Penguins + OMGSOCUTE = Win.

As you can see, the essay is driving the author INSANE.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

vexing vexatious

Every morning, I wake up and I face this reality:


Well, not technically. It's not the real room that's so vexatiously disorganised. It's my computer. The innards.

Pictures, documents, videos, etc. strewn all over the bloody place. Augh! It's like an inner need to be organized that screams in horror and pain everytime I look for something and can't find it! Augh!

I have 1469 songs in iTunes and about a gazillion more to manually tag, volume normalize and add album pictures.

(The voice in my head is telling me everything has to be perfectly sorted, perfectly arranged, perfectly categorised. PERFECT PERFECT P-E-R-F-E-C-T until I STABSTAB it and go do something else.)

Stupid studies getting in the way of doing anything. That, and the inability of the DVD drive in burning things.

Ahh. Sigh. Complains.

And you can't even pay people money to clean out and organize your computer for you.

EDIT @ 2237h:
I just found out that the incredibly talented Ah Sang (阿桑), who sang the hauntingly beautiful 叶子 (main theme for the idol drama 蔷薇之恋 starring S.H.E's Ella Chen) died of breast cancer yesterday morning. She was only 34...

Life is precious, huh...

Monday, April 6, 2009

im depressed.

Solution: Kittens.


Also, I found out that what I wanted to do in the previous post has already been done.

Dang, I knew I wasn't pretty enough.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

financial woes

I am recently in need of money.

Hey, what the hell, I am always in need of money. But it's just a little more so this month. My old mp3 player exploded (really, the battery swelled up to twice it's original size) and I'm wondering if I want to replace it. If I do, I really want to get a shuffle. Or at least something small and light that you can clip on while running or somewhat.

But not the new shuffle. I mean come on.

I'm so tiny I make your wang look huge! Yes, even you!

I mean, it's all well and good if you actually like the supplied set of apple earphones, and it's really nice to see apple engage in the sort of monopolistic, manipulative business model traditionally endorsed by their old rival microsoft. It's almost like, progress.

So you can use our properiety, apple-endorsed/manufactured earphones, or you can SUCK IT.

I mean like, what's not to like?! If you use our provided earphones, you actually get to control the volume. Not something you can do with any other pair of earphones. Nevermind that they may be a set of Crossroads Mylarones, Westone UM2s, or even earmolded Custom Livewires, surely they can't be better then our provided apple earphones... Seriously, can you think of anything better then apple?

Like, seriously.

So, I guess I'm looking for the old shuffle, or at least something similar. In price, functions and whatnot.

But it still doesn't help my original predicament... Hmm. Maybe...

I could do THIS! Like, maybe in orchard. Or something.

Hmm, nah, not pretty enough. =(

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Speaking of impressive voices, this guy ranks pretty high up. He managed to do 303 impressions of various people/celebrities/cartoon characters that some of you might recognise. Some renditions aren't bad at all, and some are indeed virtually unrecognisable from the original.

Man, I wish I had a talent.

Friday, April 3, 2009

voice actor

This totally sent shivers up my spine. It's almost creepy for a real person to have a voice that cute. I always thought it was modified electronically somehow. And that the original probably came from a kid. To see it done by a grown woman... o_O

oh hi, nice of you to stop by

It's 2am, I'm up writing an essay for my personality module, and for some reason, I feel incomplete.

I'm going to be a year 3 next year. Going to graduate (hopefully) in another year after that. Going to start work (hopefully) in another year after that. I feel like nothing much has changed. Nothing earth-shaking has happened.

Uni life feels like a blur. I was just there a moment in time ago. But just a few moments later, over here everything feels like they're slipping away.

Well, I know I have a few constants in my life. That I'm thankful for. These are the people who I know I'll still be able to stay with after I graduate, leave uni, leave hall.

A few days ago during Seniors Farewell I was just thinking to myself "Holy shit, alot of people are leaving next year." Hall isn't ever going to be the same again. It's alot of people I've taken for granted, that I know it's probably at least 50% my fault that I haven't really been able to hang out with them as much, or even on a regular basis. And now it's just like last year again, when my seniors left, gaps in my everyday life that become painfully obvious when you realise that during hall events, you're quiet because you don't have anyone to talk to, awkward because you just don't "click" with people you're not that familiar with. That you pretty much have to find people all over again to eat lunch with, or go for class with, or somewhat. That you're slowly going to fade away into oblivion, becoming part of the ignored-less-happening-seniors.

I can't talk to anyone, you know. I was never a charisma-type.

Darn it, I think I rolled badly during character creation.

And here I am, I'm looking at the juniors and I'm thinking I probably won't ever be able to fit in 100% with them. There's something different, I guess.

You don't miss your water till the well runs dry.

But it's always like that isn't it? That's the beautiful nature of regret. It's one of the few things in the world that can change a person. But then, why do I feel unchanged, unfulfilled, unfinished? Empty.

I think I'm still stuck way back in time, never having grown emotionally since then.
I'm still a boy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to forgive him.
I'm still a boy, standing in front of a father, asking him to praise him.
I'm still a boy, standing in front of a mother, asking her to hug him.
Since then.

I think Gaiman said it best:

"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love."

But I don't hate love. I think I've just never been able to embrace that concept. I can't explain why I'm so afraid - is this even the word I'm looking for - of rejection? I've never been rejected - but I've never given myself that chance to be. I've built up the wall around me so strongly that sometimes I'm afraid I'll never be able to open myself up again. A flawed armor, protecting me from everything and anything that I've feared.

I am God's unfinished creation.

I am Jaden's malajusted mind.

I am also tired of my essay. Fuck.

I need a cup of D'aww.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


OMG, this site is just so cool!

I have no idea how to describe it, but it's... super awesome! It takes quite a while to load... but trust me, trust me, it's... win. Seriously. This is viral marketing working at maximum capacity!

Think of it as a virtual fashion show set to a slide-show... in real-life settings... and you can choose to stop it anytime you want to see the descriptions of the current set of outfits you're eyeing just by clicking. It's such an innovative way of presenting this! xD

You can even see the map of Japan as the fashion show goes on by clicking on the bottom right... It's cool!

(And some of the girls are cute.)

I want to buy one now! =D
(The parkas/jackets, not the girls)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We've all heard of talented pianists, but do you think anyone could ever play something like this?

It's called Faerie's Aire And Death Waltz composed by one John Stump, an apparent crazed genius, and it includes such instructions as "add bicycle", "begin to fall", "gradually become agitated", "remove cattle from stage", "balance your chair on two legs" and the awesome line "RELEASE THE PENGUINS!"

Well, obviously not meant to be played. Here's one that is, then. It even comes with a youtube instructional video that sort of teaches you how to play it!

Wait for it......
0:39, EPIC.

Not something you'd expect someone to be able to play either. Right? AMIRITE?



People like these (crazy japanese) make me wonder why there are only 8 grades of piano.