-Assuming you do play Magic: The Gathering,(inference from card being used and you're a fellow geek =p) Which card will you be and why?
Actually I never played Magic: The Gathering much. I'm a geek but I failed it. I think I played like 6 games of it in my life, with my cousin's 4th ed cards. That's about it.
Here's one interesting one from the Unhinged set, though.
-Complete the following sentence: I believe that _____ and that computers ought to be _____ .
I believe that people who can't use them and that their computers ought to be separated from each other. Forcefully. With a fork.
Same goes with DSLRs. Geesh, the NEXT time I see some bimbo with a DSLR that they never switch to manual mode... *draws Louisville Slugger*
-Would you give yourself a chance?
Well, we ALL know what happened to the last guy who went with that gut feeling.
Really now, wouldn't you go in?
But seriously, what exactly of a kind of chance are we talking about here? If you mean giving myself a chance with someone else, hey, why not? At this point I think it's more like if I'd give other people a chance, buddy. =D
-Give a break down of a normal day in Jaden's life, how much time do you spend doing what? =3
0700 - Reveille 0715 - First Parade 0730 - Breakfast 0800 - Nua in front of computer 0830 - Bored, sleep 1800 - Wake up, realise lunch skipped, hungry, go for dinner 1830 - Nua in front of computer 1900 - Bored, sleep 0200 - Wake up, flip coin to decide if run 0210 - Run A1 route, try to spot interesting things like *cough* couples making out at Science bus stop *cough* 0240 - Cool down, bathe 0300 - Nua in front of computer 0330 - Bored, sleep
Insert homework/twitter/facebook/hallstuff into the sleep zones as necessary.
-How good is your art? DRAW SOMETHING~ *evil grin*
My art is horrendous to the point where I can't draw straight lines. With photoshop. Look, even xkcd has awesome art compared to whatever I can come up with.
-What would you buy with your first paycheck?
BIG+SQUISHABLE+PENGUIN Actually, what the hell, I'm buying it NOW. *Calls 1800-JUN&TUN-DELIVERY*
-If you can choose to have one special ability, what would it be, how are you going to use it, and why?
I would like the ability to retort sarcastically and cuttingly to any verbal remark, use it to get myself a job as a talk show host, and spend the rest of my life friendless and alone. But hey, you get to make fun of people for a living. HOW COOL IS THAT.
But well, having THIS as a special power would be a close second.
The power... The power of a God!
-Would you mind being a homosexual? If yes, name 3-5 males that caught your eye (that might change your personal preference) If no, name 3-5 homo activates that you would like to do in the future and with who?
Well, no, unfortunately I don't see myself as PLU. And I'm not sure your question actually sounds particularly politically correct, because I hardly think being PLU is something that a person could "mind" being, either he or she is or isn't. I really don't think being PLU is like a conscious state of mind that you can choose to be, and I'm not sure if it's respectful to that community by that implication.
In any case, I'm not sure how I can really answer your question because I can barely tell the difference in hotness between guys. It's like what CS said before, with girls there are just sooo many more points of reference (previously referenced ones include Taeyeon and her absolute cuteness, Jessica's awesome legs, Maki's perfect bangs, Miho's general godlikeness, etc.) I barely have enough time to keep up with looking at girls, why would I spend time looking at guys? =)
-Name some girls whom you are interested during your prep-college and college education and share photos. No Pictures No Talk (NPNT). Sharing is Caring (SIC)
Dear anonymous, funny that you mention Sharing is Caring, because NPNT doesn't apply unless I know who you are too and I can apply SIC to you as well lar. Dotz. That is to say, you no share, I no share, capisce? Lol.
Is prep college secondary school? And college junior college? Or do you mean junior college leading up to university? Lessee. Secondary school. Well my ex counts, I guess. Then aside from that, there were just about hmm, two others. Of course, me being Jaden the twisted, I managed to convince my id that I don't need a relationship. The hassle, the tiredwork, the second guessing, all that work, eesh.
Oh wait, I'm still doing that. Haha. De-operant conditioning in place, huh?
I think that's why I think I only really had one crush in JC, and it wasn't even a pretty serious one. And none in university so far. Wow, my subconscious is fucked. Well, maybe you could count one, but that was so half-fucked that in retrospect, I don't see it as a past attraction anymore.
You want names? Pix or KTHXBYEGTFO? Ask me yourself. IRL pls. =) I'll be happy to share if you do too. =D Some of you already know who they are anyway.
-Honesty is a virtue
Of course, and so is non-anonymity on the innernetz.
-Write creative lines showing some novelty on how would you pick up girls and get things going.
Great, now it's a creative-writing class, specialising on pick-up lines. Hm.
"Oh hi. Normally at this point I'd be stuttering, grinning sheepishly and crapping out a cheesy pickup line I memorised from somewhere at the last-minute but you know, sometimes, a girl comes along that makes you pretty much do everything right to impress her. I think I found her tonight."
No corniness there, I hope. Now the hard part, finding someone worth that. Hm.
-I am certain jaden will not continue jdentification given the above questions.
YA THINK? I HATH SURVIVED THE CLEANSING FIRES OF /b/. You will not find a greater hive of scum and villany than in the cesspit of the internet that is 4chan. THIS... IS... NOTHING!
Actually, 4chan isn't really that bad once you get past the flaming, the shock sites, the disgusting pictures, etc. The only thing that's really bad about it the slow, burning realisation that, you've become one of them. OHSHI-
Scary on so many levels.
-Define sex
WELL! Here's the best definition of 'sex' I can find. Don't worry, it's worksafe. Or it should be.
But don't worry, you trust me, don't you, readers? I'm sure you do. =D Click it. Cliiiiiiiiiiiiiick eeeeeeeet.
-If you want to be a movie, what would you choose and why?
If I were to be in a movie, I'd pick some random Japanese show. Why? There's a 90% chance of it either involving giant robots or hot chicks. 50% of both.
If this is real-life, what do you think the movies are like?
-You are not a minion(in fact there are no minion token creating cards IIRC)
Actually I need to revise that. The proper creature type should be "Legendary Awesome". Foil rare. Also, the Phyrexian Processor makes minion tokens IIRC.
-Why so beng?
Very beng meh. I've seen worse. I wanted blue hair remember?
-Where is the cat?
Here it is!
-Who let the dogs out? Woof! Woof! Woof!
You know who. Just remember that it's not always the same person. Lost and delirious like everyone else. The end always comes for those poor canines before everyone else realises that. Game and set, that's what they'll tell you, and then 'read the first word of each sentence'.
-100 bucks that 'define sex' was left by shawn
I'm pretty sure it's not. Shawn already has a pretty definite definition of sex.
-200 bucks this blog is going inactive again and the owner will change to a new blog
Cool, where do I collect? If you have any idea of this system you'd know I'd give 7 days notice for readers to post questions and accumulate before I make an answer post. Bad anonymous, bad! Minus 1 point! - Dear god, I feel like I'm writing an essay here.
jdentification (100th instalment), assume questions are bullets.
I do feel like restricting the number of questions next time, but then where's the fun? Stay tuned for the next exciting instalment folks. Until then, no more questions, let peaceful blogging commence. =P
Well, this -was- supposed to be a monthly thing but I guess everything else (exams, SNSD, etc) took over. Couldn't hurt to do a third one.
Ask me any question about me. It could be trivial, it could be serious. It could be a question directly related to me, it could be a reflection upon a particular event. It could be who/what/when/where/why/how, or whatnot.
Leave a comment and I will answer in the next post. Questions that have already been answered in the previous two instalments are located over here and here.
So a few days back this subject popped up, whether it'd be easier to pick up Asian languages (character based) or the European languages (semantic based).
Also, would it be easier to do the similar ones one after the other (practice effects) or if it would be better to do them with dissimilar ones in between (interference reduction).
Participants will pick one side, Eastern vs. Western. From the pool of languages available, they will pick one language to learn. Examples -
Over the course of a year, participants in this challenge will attempt to reach a certain level of aptitude in their language of choice. To that extent, at the end of the year, they must have:
a) Transcribe a song written in that language b) Write a series of blog entries in that language c) Translate an academic essay in that language d) Contribute a wikipedia entry in that language e) Sustain an actual conversation with a speaker of that language.
The winner for that year is the one who successfully manages to do the above without using Google Translate or any other internet translation tool, mangling the grammar and subtext etc.
Loser treats the winner to a meal where the loser will have spend the entire day speaking in that particular language.
Participants are encouraged to borrow textbooks and not encouraged to sign up for courses. It's basically self-learning. 'Cause courses are expensive. =(
Oh my, you'd never guess from that first 15 seconds of conversation how a squeakily-cute anime-like voice like hers can turn out to be so absolutely angelic when singing.
And I'm posting this because it's Mothers Day soon (in a week!). Dear readers, please be touched by the lyrics and beautiful voice of Moriyama Aiko and take some time off to celebrate Mother's Day with your dearest mother. =D
Lyrics to Yoitomake-no-uta (The Day Labourer's Song) (it starts at the 0:26 mark)
For the sake of my father, heave-oh! For the sake of my mother, heave-oh! One more time, heave-oh! (1:00) Still now I can hear it, the Day-Labourer's Song Still now I can hear it, that lullaby Among male laborers, she (my mother) pulls a rope She turns to the sky, and raises her voice With all her might, she sang The hard work of my mother, I saw it The hard work of my mother, I saw it... (2:00) Several times, I too was dejected... But It was a winding road, I walked through without stumbling More then any other beautiful songs More then any other beautiful voices It was encouraging, consoling me My mother's song, it is the best in the world My mother's song, it is the best in the world... (3:06) Still now I can hear it, the Day-Labourer's Song Still now I can hear it, that lullaby...
Yep, Moriyama Aiko is amazing. I can totally understand why that guy teared.
You know how sometimes when you've lost something, you sort of know that it's for good?
And when they do come back to you after a while, you have that feeling that it was never meant to be, and then after a short time of reassociation, they drift away from you again?
Yeah, that kind of feeling.
I mean, we walk this life by ourselves really. Things can enter, things can leave, but once they've left nothing will ever be the same again.
Because you adapt. You change yourself to fill the gap that they've left behind. You're different, so even if they come back to you the same as they were when they left, you aren't the same anymore.
You don't need them the same way that they need you. Or the same way that you used to need them.
So when they come back, you tend to misplace them. Or think that they aren't there. Even if they are, and they're still part of you.
You let go, inside, and so you let go of their existence.
And that's when you lose them for good.
That's why.
Still, I find it a little sad that after all this time, you've come back and I've lost you again.
You never stood a chance against the first spin cycle. My poor, poor memory cards.
The author has a passing interest in everything (and I do mean, nearly everything). As such, expect interest in this blog to wax and wane as in the lunar cycle.